The preparation lab (also called the Prep-Lab), is a mixed group of volunteers or students and skilled technicians who gather for specific projects. The lab can tackle conservation, restoration and preparation assignments and will draw heavily on the input of volunteers and restoration specialists. The goal of each project is to not only complete the practical tasks of the project but at the same time incorporate novel research and new techniques or test certain methods during the project. All the manipulations are documented and reported and sometimes even published about in specific journals. On this page you will find just a brief overview current and past Preplab activities​​
12 April 2021

Berlare - Nieuwdonk collection treatment
Conservation project
The Berlare project saw the setting up of a temporary conservation and restoration lab within the wall of the community center of Berlare. Amidst the corona pandemic, different workstations for conservation, restorations and pyrite treatment were set up taking into account social distance recommendations as imposed by the government.
More info on the methods and results can be found via following links:
Securing radioactive samples
Geological collections ICT Frans Fischer (Brussels)
The Robert Six collection stored at the Frans Fisher school in Schaerbeek (Brussels) contains a large collection of fossils, minerals and lithological samples from all over the word. Within the framework of the project for the re-valorisation of this collection, we need to secure any potential hazards caused by some of the collection items from the students and personel. This includes the separation and secure storage of Asbestos minerals from tehe collection, as well as the securing and isolation of different radioactive samples from the Katanga Province in Congo (Afrika) and the Permian of Lodève (France). Full report and measurements were taken and the necessary actions were taken to ban any sources of gamma radiation from public spaces. Hallways, lecture rooms etc.
The Frans Fisher collection (Robert Six - GEST) - In French
21 NOVEMBER 2024