Currently we are looking for a person who would like take time to update and communicate online via our social media platforms, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn etc and also help out with content creation for our website on a voluntary basis. If you are interested, please contact us via the Apply now button below.

JOBS (Volunteer) - Social Media & Website Manager
We welcome last year Bsc. and Msc. students for internships on the many projects we work on. This is an excellent opportunity to gain unique work experience, that will help you in your sientific career.
If you are currently looking for an internship on a paleontological, or geologicial topic based on belgian earth sciences, make sure to contact us for specific information.

For specific events or projects, we are always looking for motivated and dynamic volunteers.
If you are passionate about paleontology and/or our activities, do not hestitate to inquire if you can contribute to a current event. No experience is required only dedication. We appreciate all input.