Palaeontologica Belgica is an organisation promoting Belgian paleontological research. Every year a special honorary membership is awarded to a paleontologists who's career and work on Belgian paleontology has gained exceptional (inter)national attention. The honorary and life-long membership is described in the AoA (Articles of association) and therefore bound to certain rules. The membership is granted annually during the Palaeontologica Belgica Award Ceremony', where a speech and/or a presentation is given by the honorary member.
Dr. Koen Stein
Vertebrate paleontologist
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences

Dr. Olivier Lambert
Vertebrate paleontologist
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences

Prof. dr. em Jean-Marie Charlet
Civil mining engineer, geological engineer, doctor in applied sciences, professor emeritus UMons.
Applied geology, geological heritage, Earth Sciences; DR Congo (Katanga)

Prof. dr. Johan Vellekoop
Assistant Professor (tenure track) at KU Leuven
Researcher at the RBINS

dr. Kristiaan Hoedemakers
Scientific editor at the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Founder of Palaeo Publishing & Library
Independant Researcher
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS)