Palaeontologica Belgica was founded in the autumn of 2020 with the aim of erecting a scientific organisation dedicated to Belgian paleontology.
The idea of setting up a new organisation had already matured four years prior, following-up on the good and constructive cooperation of the founders within the framework of other paleontological and geo-scientific associations.
It was our initial intention not to use this organisation to organise activities for members, but rather to carry out project-based scientific research, without losing sight of popularisation or public outreach.
These previously mentioned projects are very diverse, but always maintain a Belgian tie. As described in the acts of association, these projects are based on the constructive cooperation with different organisations or institutions.
Because deontology and ethical interests are of paramount importance, Palaeontologica Belgica decided to join the Belgian Council for Earth Sciences (RAW-CST). In order to participate in the forum between various geoscientific organisations.
The aim is to promote the interests of Belgian paleontology in the future, Either by personal research and otherwise by supporting paleontological initiatives by third parties. We are always open for any type of collaboration or project.

Board and Executive Committee
Anthonie Hellemond
Anthonie studied geology at the university of Leuven and held management positions in the board of various geo-scientific organisations. In recent years he published numerous paleontological articles for (inter)national journals and organised countless lectures, symposia, meetings and field schools. Outside of his research and lectures in Belgium and abroad, you can find him working in the field. His passion for the Belgian underground is aimed specifically towards vascular land plants from the Devonian, regional geology and the paleo-ecology of the Belgian Paleozoic in general.
Kevin Nolis
Became fascinated by paleontology at a young age. His passion deepened as a result of studying Cretaceous deposits in the region around Liège and Limburg. As former secretary of the Belgian Paleontological Society and board member of the Belgian Council for Earth Sciences, he has gained a lot of field experience in Belgium and abroad. Kevin is committed to the preservation and appreciation of Belgium’s geo-scientific heritage and old (private) collections and written source materials.
Sven Van Uytfanghe
(Paleobotany Lab boardmember & co-founder)
Sven Van Uytfange is a passionate citizen scientist, studying fossil Lycopods from the Carboniferous period for many years. In recent years he explored the evolutionary origins of these large floral groups from the coal forests. This resulted in a study of the first forests, found in the Upper Devonian of the Belgian Condroz. On a regular basis he gives (inter)national lectures and contributes to various publications. Palaeobotany remains his field of research par excellence where he also incorporates his love for photography
François De Bock
A few years ago, the vertebrate fauna of the Cretaceous Quarry of Eben-Emael rekindled François' passion for paleontology, after which he decided to devote himself to the earth sciences. Some time later, he took on the difficult task of editor-in-chief of the "Spirifer" journal within the framework of the Belgian Association for Paleontology (from 2016 to 2019). His graphic design talents and experience with literature as a lecturer, make him the ideal editor and reviewer for various articles. As from mid-2024 he took over the task of treasurer from Sven Van Uytfanghe.
Frederik Lerouge
(Delegate Boardmember Trilolab)
Frederik is a bioscience engineer and ecology teacher at PXL University of applied sciences and arts College. He focuses on fieldwork in Morocco, trilobite preparation and science communication. He has been a long-time advocate of Belgian paleontology both online and offline. His passion for paleontology is aimed towards the Devonian in general and trilobites in particular. Frederik is also the main representative of the Trilolab workgroup within Paleontologica Belgica’s executive board.
Allart Van Viersen
(Trilolab member)
Allart is manager of a Geospatial Information department who in his leisure time, spends a more than fair amount of time studying the Devonian trilobites of the Ardenno-Rhenish Mts. and Morocco. His impressive list of publications make him a true expert on Devonian trilobites in Belgium and the Netherlands. Allart doesn’t shy away from international collaborations and has a passion for writing and publishing his findings. resulting in many peer-reviewed publications and international awards.

Ayla Debraekeleer
(Scientific Collaborator)
With a passion for graphic design and a scientific mindset as bio-engineer in her professional life, Ayla is a wonderful addition to our organisation. First introduced to paleontology during a symposium on mammoths and mammoth ecology, she contributed to various articles as a valued reviewer or graphic designer. She is eager to indulge in fieldwork, preparation and research. Ayla also contributes to the graphic designs for figures and diagrams in publications as well as on posters.
Tim Wolterbeek
(Scientific Collaborator)
As an experimental geologist at Utrecht University, Tim studies the impact of reactive transport and chemical-mechanical processes on crystal growth and fluid flow in subsurface rock formations and constructions. Bordering on his professional pursuits, Tim is interested in the role of mineralisation processes in fossilisation. He further has a true passion for palaeobotany, specifically the palaeozoic floras of Belgium and surrounding countries of Western Europe.

Labs & Scientific collaborators

Aurélie Wawrzyniak
(Prepteam - Logistic Support)
Aurélie joined our organisation as logistics manager and member of the preparation team to contribute to Belgian palaeontology. She helps us to achieve our mission of popularising palaeontology by actively participating in educational and pedagogical activities as well as those aimed at the general public and especially at young people. Her positive mentality and pragmatic approach are important assets in the realisation of our various projects. Aurélie helps us with the restoration project of the Pleistocene mammal collection of Berlare. She is part of the preparation team responsible for the restoration and preservation of palaeontological heritage.
Jef Segers
(Preparation - Restoration Team)
With countless years of paleontological experience, Jef has been a welcome addition to current and previous projects over the years. His skills on the field and in the lab are an indispensable asset while working on various restoration projects or excavations in the field. His passion is aimed towards fossils cetaceans from the Antwerp area, but he has a broad interest in general paleontology. As a citizen scientist he enables scientific research in the most modest way possible.
Marc Spolspoel
(Preparation - Restoration Team)
Marc has been a volunteer at the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS) for more than 14 years. As a preparator and conservator of the Iguanodons of Bernissart he monitors pyrite decay and treats various paleontological collections who suffer from it. His passion for paleontology goes back to his early childhood and after several decades he is no stranger to different aspects of the science. He has a broad knowledge and practical mindset to treat collections and is eager to share his passion with everyone who shows an interest.

Ivo Kesselaer
(Trilolab member)
Ivo works as a researcher in the adhesive industry. Outside working hours he strives to spend a lot of time doing fieldwork in Belgium and Morocco and focus on fossil preparation. Years of experience in the field and in the lab make him the perfect person with hands-on mentality to prep and spot details that can easily be overseen. Ivo is passionate about paleontology in general but his main love goes out to Devonian trilobites.


Joeri Ryckaseys
(Educational Collaborator & Northsea Lab Member)
As a natural history enthusiast with a great passion for paleontology, Joeri is engaged in the monitoring of fossils from the Belgian part of the North sea coastline. His passion for the things he finds along the shoreline and older deposits in the coastal area, provide him with a good understanding of the recent history of sand suppletions, large storm events and reworked vertebrate materials. He loves to share his knowledge on the field with fellow enthusiasts during guided tours. Joeri is our central point of contact for paleontological finds in the Belgian coastal area.

Wim Van Humbeeck
(Public Relations)
As a natural born presentor and paleontology enthusiast, Wim has played an important role in the presentation of award ceremonies and events such as Dinosaurs on Campus. Wim has been an official member of Palaeontologica Belgica since 2024 but sporadic contributions and support to previous events prior to his membership, contributed to the swift and unanimous descision of the board to accept his membership. With natural flair and humour he is the prefect moderator of debates, presenter of evenings and allround enertainer for scientific soirees and events.

Danny Alexandre
(Database specialist and all-roud collaborator)
As main organizer of the annual PaleoTime Be meetings and designer of the Trilobase software, Danny is a highly valued member of Palaeontologica Belgica, his passion for trilobites and paleontology in general, make him a passionate collaborator. His longstanding involvement with associations and personal connections with a lot of private collectors contribute to the fact that Danny never lost his connection with the professional and non-professional community within Belgian paleontology.

Sandra Cordier
(Author & Citizen scientist)
In 2017 Sandra wrote the first popular book on the history of the discovery of the Bernissart Iguanodons. In her debut book called the: De bottten van de Borinage (The Bones of the Borinage) Sandra tells the factual story of the Iguanodon discovery in based on 7 years of intense research within the archives of Belgium. This allowed her to publically tell a story that was known to very little people. Within Palaeontologica Belgica she contributed to the Louis De Pauw award, and several other projects.

Sven Delandat
(Northsea Lab member)
Sven is one of the newest members of the Northsea Lab but that does not mean that his experience is lacking. With lots of hands on practical experience on the field, he also manages to write, collect, set up projects and take in various initiatives revolving around paleontology of the Belgian part of the North sea. In close collaboration with Joeri he is the driving force behind the Northsea lab.